
Simple Car Tips: How To Check And Replace Your Oxygen Sensor

The oxygen sensor is a vital part of your vehicle. It is responsible for several functions involved with the operation of your vehicle, including calculating the mixture of air and fuel. But what happens when it goes awry and needs replacement? The following guide will help you diagnose and fix a faulty oxygen sensor. Signs of a Bad Oxygen Sensor The following signs will help you find out if you have a bad oxygen sensor:

Tips For Putting Your Vehicle Into Storage For The Winter

Do you own a luxury or sports car that you love but live in an area of the country that experiences harsh winters? One way to ensure that your car does not sustain wear and tear during the cold months ahead is to put it into storage before the first snowfall arrives. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you have never attempted this process before. Get a Professional Detail

How To Replace The PCV Valve On Your Vehicle

Every vehicle built over the last several years has a positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve. This plastic valve prevents toxic vapors from corroding the components under the hood, and from polluting the atmosphere. As great as this little part is, it does wear out. If your vehicle is leaking oil, making a whistling or whining noise, it may be time to replace the valve. If you want to start working on your car yourself, this guide explains how to replace the PCV valve in your vehicle.

Hypermiling Techniques That Can Extend The Life Of Your Brakes

Some driver use a hypermiling process to increase their gas mileage, sometimes by a surprising amount. The same techniques used by hypermilers can also increase the life of your car's brakes. This helps you save money on both gas and brake repairs: Watch Your Speed Hypermilers know that speeding consumes gas, but it also can shorten the life of your brake pads. The higher your speed, the longer you must depress the brakes to slow down or come to a full stop.

3 Surprising Vehicle Components That Should Be Recycled

If your vehicle was recently in a bad car accident or it suffered from a significant mechanical problem that is not worth repairing, you are probably looking for the best way to unload it. One of the best ways to do so without any unnecessary delays is often recycling the vehicle. You may not be aware that even the most badly damaged car has some parts that can be re-used.

Low Transmission Fluid: A Common Problem With Vehicles

On average, basic transmission repairs can cost $1,000 to $2,000, depending on the problem, but there might be a way to get the problem fixed for a much cheaper price if your car is simply low on transmission fluid. Here are three things you should know about transmission repairs before taking your car to a mechanic. Low Transmission Fluid Results in Numerous Symptoms The transmission of your car is vital for its operations, and you will know when this component begins having problems because of the symptoms you will experience, which can include:

Catch A Taxi But Not The Germs

You are exposed to sickness and bacteria when you travel, and it starts as early as your taxi ride to the airport or destination. If you are going to be taking a taxi to get to a destination on an upcoming trip, it's important that you are careful to avoid germ exposure when you are out and about. Here are a few things that you can do to avoid germs, insects and more while traveling in a taxi cab.